I thought today I'd talk about immunosuppressants. This medication is only administered to eczema patients if the eczema is unresponsive to typical treatments such as steroid creams, antihistamines, oral steroids and protopic creams. The only thing about immunosuppressants, and the reason they're considered as a last resort, is because they dampen the activity of the immune system and are thus able to suppress the inflammation of the skin. Because they dampen the immune system this means that you are much more susceptible to side effects and infections... as I definitely found out.
I was first put on a course of Ciclosporin in 2010 after waiting for ages to get in to see the dermatologist here at Lincoln. These tablets can take up to 12 weeks to kick in, but for me it only took a matter of 2 or 3 days. My skin became completely and utterly transformed! I could go to the gym, I could do practically anything without my urticaria flaring. I even went home to see my Mum and managed to spend a night in my old bedroom. My skin didn't flare at all but my asthma was unbearable so I knew that would have to be the last of my overnight visits, sadly. But what you have to understand about my cat allergy is, even if I spend a little bit of time near them, or in a house they inhabit, within the next hour or so my skin would flare and my wheezing would become uncontrollable. Any longer, and it's a trip to A&E sadly :(
I remained taking these tablets for approximately 1 year, being monitored fortnightly for blood tests and my blood pressure. Some of the side effects Ciclosporin can cause include damage to the kidneys, cancers, high blood pressure and swollen gums. I did notice that my gums swelled a little and it was after a year of taking the medication that my blood pressure started to rise so I was taken off it.
Azathioprine was the next one they tried me on which did absolutely nothing for me after 12 weeks of being on it. My skin became bad because it wasn't being helped as much as it had with the Ciclosporin, so that was also stopped. They put me back on Ciclosporin at a slightly reduced dosage but it just didn't work for me as it had before. I was distraught. They kept me on it for over a year in the hope that it would start to kick in, but it didn't.
So that brings us to Summer 2012... where at the start of the year I was so ill I contracted the likes of eczema herpeticum and was put on steroids and antibiotics a fair few times as an attempt to control the eczema flares. We were also living in a house that was very damp and it didn't matter what we did, the mould would keep coming back, so enough was enough. I begged my dermatologist for another option. He wanted me to try Methotrexate but to me, the symptoms for that some how seemed so much more frightening than the Ciclosporin and Azathioprine, probably because it is only 50% effective in eczema patients... so we came to the decision to try me with Mycophenolate.
Mycophenolate didn't work either, but then I was only taking it for just over a week. In this week my health had become so bad that I had contracted eczema herpeticum AGAIN and had reoccurring tonsillitis. I also developed hand eczema at this point too. I really was in a low place.
We decided enough was enough with the damp and mouldy house we were living in, as obviously that wasn't contributing any good to my health, and the landlord was seemingly refusing to fix it. We moved into a newer, larger house in the middle of November which although I haven't noticed an incredible difference, is at least permitting me to go to work, which I couldn't in the months between September - November.
It was then in December that my dermatologist won me over to Methotrexate. Methotrexate is usually most used for conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I actually know of a couple of people personally who do take it for that and don't have any problems. It was also initially used for cancer patients and it's function is to slow down, or halt the division of cells to reduce inflammation. By January I was beginning to lose quite a lot of hair and it was really upsetting me. I was losing daily what I would probably brush out in a week, so off it I came.
I'm still losing a significant amount of hair even now, and it's been around 3 weeks since I stopped the treatment. If anyone else has experienced hair loss from MTX how long did it take to slow down? I had to get quite a lot of hair cut off as a result because it had just become so fine and lank. I fought back tears when it was getting cut because as he handled it, I could see it was even worse than I thought.
So yes, that's my take on immunosuppressants. I would absolutely love if Ciclosporin worked again. Though perhaps it will do in a couple of years, who knows? Though I admit I don't miss taking the tablets. They're an inch long in size and stink of yeast!!
There was a picture floating about ages ago showing their size on a tape measure, but you can probably get the jist from these!
I'll talk about what treatment I'm currently undertaking in my next post :) Hope this has been helpful! xx
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